百分百辣木 Zija moringa Supermix


全球数百万人的亲身经历就是Zija产品具有超强效益的最佳见证。而今,在世界著名科学家兼食品调配师Russ Bianchi*的鼎力相助下,Zija得以充分发掘辣木非同凡响的健康效益。日复一日,辣木不断改变人的生命,我们誓要将之发扬光大,以使更多人受益其中。

  • 今年的神秘植物具有重要的医疗功效。有别于其它任何一种植物的是,它能协助逆转多种主要的环境问题,并提供许多人类尚未得到满足的营养需求。
  • 辣木原产于印度泰米尔纳德, 但是现在也生长在许多热带地区。它适应力强,即使在干旱的气候和贫瘠受损的土壤也能轻易生长,而且还有助于促进土壤再生。 其种籽含油,可作为再生能源。
  • 此植物的各部分均可食用。其优质油适合用来烹饪,其叶可泡茶,而且营养丰富,可成为替代牛奶的滋补饮品。其叶是蛋白质和铁质的最佳来源,许多其它植物都不含这两种成分。
  • 它含有各种维生素和矿物质,从A(维生素A)至Z(锌)皆而有之,同时含有所有必需氨基酸。
  • 它生长在世界上拥有大量营养不良人口的国家。它能拯救不计其数的生命。它能净化受污染的水源,具有良好的凝结剂(除浊)和抗菌剂的作用。其种籽提取物可在或大或小的范围内,取代水处理化学品,不但成本低,而且就地取材,非常方便。
  • 它的名字以逾百种语文出现在世界各国。
资料来源:“什么是资讯科技?NIH庆祝2008年地球日” NIH Record 2008. 网络。

Russ Bianchi: Zija's Premier Product Formulator


Russ Bianchi 是Zija的首要产品调配师。他也是Adept Solutions, Inc.的创办人兼董事经理。该公司专门从事全球产品开发、调配和重建现有品牌。Bianchi专于营养生物可利用率,也是一位备受尊崇,成功调配多项著名的营养产品品牌的调配师。此外,他也是多个食品科技与营养专文的作者。

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Join my team here  www.greenqstyle.myzija.com  / join here+ Buy Zija Moringa Supermix 1 box us$ 115.00 / FREE- Membership + FREE shaker bottle.+ FREE Courier to all Hong kong,& China all provines-  special for Hong kong,China. new enroll member. This is your last chance to change your life! Call:60-16 - 557 3396


Designed to work with your body’s natural abilities, Zija’s Weight Management System utilizes the amazing health benefits of Moringa to deliver maximum nutrition all day and night. Each product provides a healthy dose of 90+ verifiable, cell-ready vitamins, minerals, vital proteins, antioxidants, omega oils, and other benefits. Our unique system focuses on balance and energy, including healthy eating, consistent exercise, and restful sleep. You’ll be amazed how much easier it is to meet your weight management goals with nature on your side!


“我是一位使用XM+ Energy Mix的游泳健將。它讓我擁有更長的鍛煉時間。我不再像其他人一樣容易感到疼痛,所以我能比其他人有著更好、更嚴格和更長時間的鍛練。這大幅度改善我的時間和令我能游得更快。我會向其他運動員推薦這產品。”J.B. Stahl

“我是在2012年9月3日開始使用Zija產品。那時我27歲但體重達350磅。我對自己的超重極度不滿,但我試過的飲食或藥丸都無效。Zija的XM+ Energy Mix讓我擁有健康和改變生命的精力。我不再賴在沙發上;我開始活動、跑步、運動,這感覺真美好。我在14個星期就減去70磅!自2003年高中至今,我不曾再有過這體重。我鼓勵和挑戰大家試一試Zija產品!”D. Green, Tennessee

“自從我開始使用XM+ Energy Mix和XMam後,體重已減輕超過25磅,肌肉增加,不再嗜飲咖啡,完成我人生第一次的三項全能運動,現在更鍛練著要參加其他比賽!我迫不及待的想要開始使用PR1ME90!”

Great testimony from an independent distributor.
I just want to share my story with you ladies. When I was 19 yrs old and got married I was told I would never be able to conceive children do to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) I did fert...

Great testimony from an independent distributor.
I just want to share my story with you ladies. When I was 19 yrs old and got married I was told I would never be able to conceive children do to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) I did fertility treatments that just messed me up hormonally and mentally. After 2 yrs I gave up. Wow that was along time ago. With PCOS you do not ovulate but maybe 3 times a yr but you bleed like there is no tomorrow and have pain that makes you cry a few times a yr. Fast forward many years later, (im 37 now) About 5 yrs ago I lost 50lbs by doing Low Carb, I started having my period every 32 days. The flow was still horrible and so was the pain. I started taking Smartmix Oct 16th, 2012 along with Vit D-3 gels (Thanks Uncle Russ) I now Ovulate every 28days and can conceive, I bet the odds from smartmix. Tell me I can’t do something I will prove you wrong. I am not trying to conceive at my age now (ok if it happened I would be over joyed.) My wonderful husband (2nd marriage) doesnt want to have a reversal of his vasectomy. He did let me raise our daughter who is now almost 25 and I have a 2yr old grandson! I stress that if someone is trying to conceive to try Moringa from Zija for 6 months to a yr. It will make them feel better, help them with the pure nutrition and much cheaper then Fertility treatments.
We don't clam to diagnose, treat or cure.

Lose weight now! Ask me how? www.greenqstyle.myzija.com  / Buy Zija Moringa Supermix products here, @us$ 1150.00/ RM380.00/box ( 32 sachets ) - change your life! call:60-16 - 557 3396 Zija Malaysia